CATVisor Argus

The CATVisor Argus is an intelligent Element Management System (EMS) as well as a Network Management System (NMS) that is a client-server based, multi-user network management system for monitoring, controlling and configuring network elements in a cable network environment. The software supports Teleste’s headend and HFC products as well as any third-party products supporting HMS and SNMP.
Features at a glance:
- Management of all Teleste’s legacy HFC products, and Teleste Luminato 4X4
- Management of 3rd party products over HMS/SNMP
- Highly efficient and reliable Apache Cassandra database
- REST HTTP API for easy integration with other management systems
- Highly configurable client UI using customisable views and workspaces
- Browser based server administration
- Powerful batch operations for Luminato 4X4 clusters
- Configuration and backup management of Teleste Luminato 4X4 based systems
Customer cases
Switch on your Intelligent Network and enjoy significant business and monetary benefits with Teleste Argus management software.